Connecting Film Professionals

Calvin Walker is a consultant for film professionals

He is Jamaican-born and of British and French nationalities and has a background in visual arts and technology.

Initially an independent photographer, he was a developer in the multimedia sector before working for Film France, the French Film Commission, from 2002 to October 2021 (19 years). During that period, he was responsible for developing event strategies, collaborations, and tools for promoting France internationally for filming and post-production.

Calvin Walker has worked with international institutions, major film markets, and events such as Cannes Marché du Film, FOCUS London, Berlinale EFM. He has amassed substantial expertise in organizing and accompanying delegations of film professionals (production services representatives, film commissioners, etc.) to both physical & digital markets and trade events. He coordinates all aspects of networking events, case-studies sessions, workshops, panels, etc.

He has also initiated international collaborations such as Franco-Nordic events for producers and is currently developing an emerging talent network project.